Monday, October 12, 2009


Pastafarianism, or The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, is a parody of the "theory" of Intelligent Design. (Yes, I do have a personal bias to it, and actually wrote a 10 page research paper on Intelligent Design last semester, but I won't get into that right now.) Pastafarianism is the belief that the universe was created by an entity known as the Flying Spaghetti Monster, who may or may not have been drunk at the time (just look at the platypus). The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has the 8 'I Really Wish you Didn'ts,' which were given to the Captain Pirate Mosey some time in the past. There were originally 10, but Mosey was drunk at the time and so lost two when climbing down the mountain. But to be more serious, Pastafarianism uses falacious arguments to show the flaws granted by Intelligent Design, such as claiming that since the earth is warmer now than it was in the past, and since there are fewer pirates now than there were in the past, there is a direct corellation between global warming and a lack of modern pirates (the fun-loving, swashbuckling type, not the murderous scallywags hollywood wants you to think used to exist).

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