Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Printing Press

The printing press, I would argue, is the single most important creation made by modern man. The basic design allowed for texts to be quickly and cheaply made, allowing for literacy to skyrocket. It spurned the Reformation, the Pamphlet Wars began a precedent that we still follow today. Before this point there was a restriction on knowledge, only those who could afford it or go into the clergy were granted what we view today as basic skills that is almost a right, rather then a privilege. After this, Martin Luther was able to question the status quo, Voltaire was able to start an age. Every revolution after the creation of the first printing press is different from those before it. Before, it was kill as many people as possible. After the press, while this was still often a key facet of war or revolution, propaganda is now possible. From books to now the internet, where anyone with a computer is able to put their views for the whole world to see, this is what is owed to the printing press.

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