Thursday, December 17, 2009


Books used in reference:
The Satanic Bible by Anton Lavey
The Satanic Scriptures by Peter H. Gilmore

This blog I hesitated to do, based on the rather taboo subject, but I feel that taboo’s should be brought to light, so that people learn more about them, lessening the taboo. While I do not claim to hold the beliefs laid down by them, as I have previously stated, I hold an innate fascination in all religions, and Satanism definitely queued my interest when I first learned of its existence.

Modern Satanism, or that of the Church of Satan, was founded on April 30, 1966, by Anton Lavey. Contrary to what the name implies, those who classify themselves as Satanists are atheists, fully denying God and any afterlife. It is more a philosophy than a religion, one based on humanism. Satanism insists that since this is the only life that we have, that we should live it to the fullest extent possible, enjoying it however we feel.

To them, Satan represents an image, not an entity that actually exists. He is a symbol for the carnality that exists within the animal that is man.
Rituals are performed, but not the murdering, child-sacrificing sorts that have been used mostly as propaganda throughout history. Satanists believe that humans have an inborn need for dogma, which is one of the reasons so many flock to religion for answers and to be with others. There are many specific rituals cited, including The Satanic Funeral Rite, the Rite of Ragnorok, and the Ritual of Destruction. These are done simply to ‘let loose,’ and get rid of pent up aggression in a positive way that hurts no one.

Satanism also denounces the notion of ‘love thy neighbor,’ and ‘turn the other cheek,’ and instead argue that one should love those who deserve it and respect those who have earned it.

There are nine cardinal sins of Satanism, in order they are: stupidity, pretentiousness, solipsism, self-deceit, herd conformity, lack of perspective, forgetfulness of past orthodoxies counterproductive pride, and lack of aesthetics.
There are also nine satanic statements that are to be lived by, including:

Satan represents indulgence, instead of Abtinence!
Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek!
Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!

I found some very interesting philosophy in the 'Satanic' works, as well as some good humor. It didn't purport to take itself so seriously, which is something I feel people of a religious background are doing far to much of these days. I especially agree with the notion of 'live and let live, as long as they do the same.'

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