Monday, November 16, 2009

Google Search: Digital Knowledge

digitalKnowledge is an Indianapolis-based services company, that designs, develops, and implements technological solutions to data, processes, and allows for business and customer relationships. They offer four specific branches of customer assistance: Business Intelligence, Customer Relationship Management, Web Solutions, and Operational Planning and Efficiency.

Their Business Intelligence (BI) branch focuses on allowing data-usability for their clients, to create and analyze information, using that to create knowledge, and using that knowledge to end with business results. The BI branch specifically does data warehousing, data marts, and operational data stores.

The Customer Relationship Management allows customers to deal with associates to help them plan how to market, sell, and serve them and their needs. They work on a four-part plan: Impact Evaluation, Sure Start, Launch, and Optimize.

Their Web Solutions team does pretty much what you would expect from the title. They build websites met to customer specs. I think other companies would be far better than this one, seeing as how both the content and look of their own website ( is rather dull and lacks even a hint of ingenuity.

And finally we reach the end of the four, Operational Planning and Efficiency. You give them a plan, and they tell you whether or not they think it will work. That's about it.

To those of you who read this entire thing, I sincerely apologize. If you think it was boring to read about, it was far more boring to write about (just look at the last two sections, they were murder to write). But I figured this out about half-way through writing, and so decided to continue with it. Business has never really held any interest for me (and I'm sure for most of you as well) and that really says something. I have an inherent interest in learning something about most things. My rather expansive personal library has books from Stephen Hawking to Voltaire, to exegeses on the books of the New Testament to a graphic novel about Vampires and Tin Soldiers, to a book about how Hell has been depicted in art since the death of Christ. So to say that I have no interest in something is a rarity for me. But again, I apologize for the content of this blog, and hopefully you find my others to be of higher quality and greater interest.

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