Friday, November 20, 2009

Video Game Graphics

Ever since the new-gen systems have come out, everyone is raving about the newest and best graphics. This has irritated me to no end. It encourages the video game industry to worry more about the way a game looks then they do about content, because they can always just hype the game content with their millions of dollars in advertising, and the screen-shots they show look good, so everyone ends up thinking the game will be awesome. Case in point: the Halo franchise. Yes, I am saying it, Halo is quite possible the most over-rated game/franchise ever. The game is nothing special, but with each subsequent game more and more hype has been generated about them. It is nothing special, even for console FPS's. One of the best games ever made? Tetris. It is fun to play, highly addictive, has been around for decades, and yet consists of strangely shaped blocks.

My favorite system that I have ever played/owned? The Nintendo 64. I still have mine hooked up and play it from time to time, and it is still fun. It had so many good games for it, that were fun to play. They looked good at the time, but by today's standards the graphics are atrocious. And yet I couldn't care less. Ocarina of Time is still my favorite Zelda game, Perfect Dark one of my favorite FPS's, and Mario Kart 64 my favorite mario cart. Today's gaming youth have been ingrained with this notion that the better it looks, the better it is. I'm not saying that we should lose the good graphics, just that good graphics can do nothing but make a good game better.

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